Chihuahua? Not me!

    My son Alex was working at a Subway restaurant in the mall. He went out back to throw the trash into the compactor and heard a noise in there. He thought it was a rat and was about to turn the compactor on when he heard another faint whimper. He leaned into the compactor and there was a Chihuahua pup!

    The little guy was skin and bones and covered with garbage. My son took him out and left work with the pup right away. He took him to an emergency vet close to work and dropped him off to be checked out. After work, he went back and picked him up. The vet had cleaned him up and gave him a rabies shot. Alex came home and walked into the house with this little guy.

    We already had 2 horses, 11 chickens and a rescue Doxie. I told Alex, “no more animals.” We had just lost two of our senior rescues in the past year and emotionally I was still hurting. Plus, I had never really been a fan of Chihuahuas.

    Alex said, “Mom, what will happen to ‘Joe’ if we do not keep him?” Joe was bonded to Alex and buried his head in his arms. I looked at little Joe and he really was a beautiful dog. He was a brindle-colored pup whose head looked too big for his body because he was so underweight. I caved in and said we would keep Joe. On Monday I took him to my vet who guessed he was about 12- to 14-months-old. Other than being underweight Joe was overall healthy.

    Joe has turned out to be the best little guy ever! He is loving and brought our 11-year-old Doxie back to life. They both jump up and get in bed with Alex and Joe has become a huge part of our family. I love him so much and no matter how my day has been when I walk through the door Joe is right there to greet me with dancing and kisses.

    Story submitted by Debbey Favero, from Tarpon Springs, FL.