She always looked a tiny bit different, but as she got older, it became more and more evident.

    A couple of years ago, Lieschen O’Neill went to visit Lawrence Humane Society in Kansas just to look, but as Lieschen herself says, “nobody goes to the Humane Society just to look”.

    True to her words, Lieschen ended up falling in love with a dog and coming home with her. This dog, which she named Belle, ended up changing her life quite literally.

    You see, Belle is not your ordinary rescue dog. She is very different from any other dog you have ever seen, but that only makes people love her even more.

    When Belle was around a year old and slowly getting to her adult size, her family started noticing something different about her.

    She always looked a tiny bit different, but as she got older, it became more and more evident.

    There was something interesting going on with her eyes that made her look surprised or shocked at all times.

    Soon after noticing that there was something a little bit different with Belle, her family took her to the vet.

    They had her eyes and face checked out, and the vet told them that Belle had most likely been stuck in the birth canal during the birthing process, which led to her muscles being pulled back and growing a little bit differently.

    “As a result, everything was kind of pulled back a little bit. So her eyes kind of look a little bit bug-eyed, but everything’s there and she’s totally fine,” Belle’s mom told We Love Animals.

    Her eyes get a little dry sometimes, but they have some prescription doggie eye drops to give her when she needs them.

    Everything is fine with her – she just has a unique look.

    When Lieschen first walked into Lawrence Humane Society years ago, Belle was in her kennel, but as soon as she saw them, she ran up and put her little face against the door.

    She was so energetic and wanted to be petted.

    “She just jumped up in my lap, licked my face, and at that moment, we knew we were going home with Belle. It was a great day,” Lieschen said.

    Right now, they can’t even imagine their life without their Belle. She has been such an important part of their lives ever since she was adopted.

    To them, Belle is the best dog they could have ever wished for, despite her being a little bit different.

    Belle is an excellent companion, a good listener, and overall, the best dog.

    One thing that Belle loves the most is none other than slippers.